CodeProject Assume you've been asked to return a date stored as a datetime2 in a specific format using Transact-SQL. For SQL Server 2012+, one option is to use T-SQL's FORMAT() function. FORMAT() is used with either a .NET format string or a custom formatting string to determine the formatting that should be applied. Starting with … Continue reading Formatting Dates in T-SQL Using CONVERT with Style Codes
Return DDL from METADATA
Tested on server version: SQL Server 2016 Developer Edition Reference info accurate on: January, 2018 The following script demonstrates how to generate each column's DDL from metadata in Transact-SQL. Example Output: T-SQL [code language="sql"] DECLARE @rundate datetime2 = getdate(); DECLARE @default_collation nvarchar(128); -- = 'SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS'; SELECT @default_collation = convert(sysname, serverproperty('collation')) SELECT TABLE_CATALOG ,TABLE_SCHEMA ,TABLE_NAME ,COLUMN_NAME … Continue reading Return DDL from METADATA